

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Mercy is FREE again!

Mercy is FREE again, but this time for 3 days, from December 17 through December 19.  I have three free promo days left in my three month period with Amazon KDP and I will not let them escape me!  If you are looking for a light, funny, and sexy read, pick up Mercy for free while you can!
Peace out!
Pam <3

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

My writer is broken

I think I have holiday brain or something, because all the way up to mid-November I was sticking to my writing routine fairly well and now I kinda fell off the wagon ... and into quicksand.
I feel like there are so many things to remember, sending gifts, buying gifts, planning Christmas dinner, planning and cleaning (ugh) for holiday guests (yay!) so they assume I am not a slob, ordering cards to send, getting stamps (forgot those today) to send said holiday cards, and getting all the cold weather gear we need.  Plus a gajillion other things I can't remember. 
Vegas has been unseasonably cold this week and I have been trying to collect gloves, hats, and ski bands whenever I see them, because things disappear when you have kids, or at least they do in my house.
I WAS writing for two-ish hours, three or four times a week from 9:30 to about 11:00am and it was going really well, but not so much anymore.  I am still writing in my notebooks when I think of something and have to get it on paper, but I have yet to transfer it to the computer.  I feel like a complete slacker, well almost.  Not enough of a slacker to go two weeks without a blog post though, apparently :)
I just want my writer fixed!
I hope everyone doesn't feel as nuts as I do and has a great holiday!

Peace out!
Pam <3

Sunday, December 1, 2013

My FREE book experience

#1 Crazy
#2 Exciting
#3 Insane

That's how I will describe the two days that my book Mercy was FREE. Crazy, Exciting, and Insane.  I obsessively watched my ratings and the number of free books "sold". Compulsively.  I think I may have earned a couple of wrinkles during that 48 hours.
It was crazy how many people "bought" my book. Just nuts. I can't believe how many people have my book in their hands. I can't wrap my head around the number.
It was so excessively exciting to watch my ratings tick down in the Kindle store for free books and free contemporary romance books.      I hit #7. Number 7.
I was insane before for even putting my immature and weird writing out there into the universe, but now I feel a little more insane ... with joy and gratefulness for everything in my life.
Thanks for everything, for the love and support peeps!

Peace out!
Pam <3

Oh yeah ... FYI I'm having another FREE promo 12/17-12/19.  I'm going for 3 days next time :) My crazy shall not be reigned!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Mercy is FREE Today and Tomorrow ONLY! 11/29/2013 and 11/30/2013

My book Mercy is FREE today and tomorrow only, get it for FREE while you can. 
And gift it to your friends :)
This is your chance to get a FREE copy if you haven't purchased it yet (for shame!) or if I gave you a PDF version, you can get it on kindle for FREE now.  
Plus, you can gift it to your friends.

Peace out!
Pam <3

Monday, November 18, 2013


Criticism.  Isn't it weird? Isn't it also weird the way weird is spelled? I before e, right?

I don't really understand why we criticize. I mean, shouldn't we as people, be lifting others up and encouraging them instead of pointing out the things we don't personally like about them?  How do we expect people to be happy and grow in a way that is natural and right for them in order for them to be the authentic person they are supposed  to be?  I think about this regarding my kids a lot.  Sometimes I feel pressured by others (annoying) to be treating or raising my kids differently.  I don't think pushing them to do things is the answer, because I think that everybody is different. No shit, right? And everybody is ready at different times. I think pushing when they're not ready can be traumatic and can even stunt what maybe was starting to develop. 

Just like we are supposed to accept out lives for what they are and just be grateful that we even have them, instead of looking next door and wishing for something else. Accept things and people for what they are and not what you want them to be.  If you don't, you're just setting yourself up for disappointment.  

This could also apply to authors and the reviews and ratings we get.  I have actually had a decent amount (for how long my book has been out, anyway) of really great reviews done by really sweet people who enjoy reading romance books, so I'm not complaining. But sometimes it can be hard to take a step back and say ... Hey, you know what?  I wrote it for me, to get this story out of my head and onto paper.  And by me doing that, I became who I am, who I'm supposed to be. Whether people like it or not doesn't matter, because I'm living my life and writing is one place that I won't have any regrets about. Because I did it, I put myself out there knowing that I would be criticized.  I knew it.  If you're an author, you knew it too. But we are so fucking creative that being butt-hurt once in awhile doesn't stop us.  Nothing can. 

Here's a quote from The War of Art I like to read about criticism

"The professional loves her work.  She is invested in it wholeheartedly.  But she does not forget that the work is not her. Her artistic self contains many works and many performances.  Already the next is percolating inside her.  The next will be better, and the one after that better still.
The professional self-validates.  She is tough-minded.  In the face of indifference or adulation, she assesses her stuff coldly and objectively.  Where it fell short, she'll improve it.  Where it triumphed, she'll make it better still.  She'll work harder.  She'll be back tomorrow.
The professional gives and ear to criticism, seeking to learn and grow.  But she never forgets that Resistance is using criticism against her on a far more diabolical level.  Resistance enlists criticism to reinforce the fifth column of fear already at work inside the artist's head, seeking to break her will and crack her dedication.  The professional does not fall for this.  Her resolution, before all others, remains: No matter what, I will never let resistance beat me."

If you are an author and you haven't read The War of Art, you are really missing out.  I mean really. It's a really easy read for an awesomely inspirational book.  And the author is Steven Pressfield, the same author who wrote The Legend of Bagger Vance.
Resistance is inside of all of us and it doesn't want us to stray from the clan, it doesn't want us to put ourselves out there and express what we need to express.  But, when you do it and beat Resistance, you are the bad ass.

Totally ADD right?

Peace out!
Pam <3

Saturday, November 16, 2013

My book is FREE on November 29 and 30!!!

 My book Mercy will be FREE on Friday November 29th (black Friday) and Saturday November 30th! Mark it in your reminders and don't miss your chance to get it FREE, for 2 DAYS ONLY!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Author Jodie Pierce

Please welcome Author Jodie Pierce to my blog  <3  Much love and support to her!  This is my first book feature of a fellow author and I'm really excited to do it!  Especially since Jodie has been absolutely nothing but sweet and warm to a newbie like me. She is a philanthropist after all!  Thank you so much and I'm delighted to dip my toes into these waters with you!  
I am featuring two of Jodie's books on my blog today, but there are many more where they came from.
Here they be!

Crime Bites and So Do I
In this police paranormal thriller, people start turning up dead all over town completely drained of blood. Are the murders random or whom/what is the common link? Does a vampire have civil rights in a human court of law? When the lead Detective is placed under surveillance, how close will she get to the new man and how much does she really know about him? How much does she even know about her own life? The two work together to bring down the murderer, uncover her past and maybe even make a future together for themselves. What twists, turns and surprises will they find along their way?

In Vein-A Vampire Charity Anthology
“In Vein” is a vampire charity anthology book where 100% of the proceeds will go to St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital! With over 18 Authors, you’re bound to find a few vampire stories you’ll love. From devious vampires, to vampire moms, a child vampire, teenage vampires, King and Queen vampires, a vampires’ slave girl, a vampire mob, a Red necked vampire, driving vampires, an Eastern European angel of pain, a vampire poem, a dug up coffin, a Dental Hygentist, a sad vampire tale and a vampire that helps a young cancer boy. Like I said, something for everyone! Did I mention it’s all for charity? The kids, people, the kids!

About Author Jodie Pierce
Jodie Pierce is married to her hubby, John who gave her a storybook happily-ever-after. She lives in Cleveland, Ohio but traveled to Brasil when she was 16 years old as an exchange student and she continues to travel the US with her hubby. Jodie started writing as a teenager and even wrote for her schools’ newspaper and yearbook.
She has had a fascination with vampires since they were introduced to her as a child so she’s had a long history with them. It wasn't until she started reading the Anne Rice vampire books in college that she was truly inspired to stop writing sappy teen romance stories and focus on the vampires she loved. You will find some of her experiences from Brasil in her stories. Many of her stories have historical or researched facts as she also enjoys research and learning about new places.
She has published four short novels (Eternal Press), a short story in "Midnight Thirst 2", an anthology (Melange Books), has five self-published books (with 3 more charity anthologies by the end of 2013). She’s published her first charity vampire anthology book with various Authors named In Vein, where all the proceeds of the book went to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. She loves helping out other new Authors, runs blog hops and facebook events for them to help market them. She has her own small publishing company named Vampirical Lyrical Publishing where she takes on new Authors and helps them see their creations come to life. She's always busy with the next great vampire story as her mind is non-stop and even plagues her dreams. She’s co-manager of the facebook Supernatural Writer’s Group where they put together 2 charity books a year where all proceeds will be donated to a special charity.

Follow Jodie Here!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

28 Days To Be Thankful


My Button

Book Reads and Reviews, myself and other amazing Authors/Bloggers who have donated their time and prizes to get this all set up, WANT TO KNOW!! So come share your story in the "28 Days To Be Thankful" Giveaway!!

Mobile Friendly Link:

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

You can't say happiness without penis!

Funny Quotes, LOL Quotes, Funny Quotes Graphics, Funny Sayings
Did I totally write penis in my title?  You bet your ass I did!

1. I love happiness
2. I love to laugh
3. the word penis could possibly get my blog more hits
4. Penis

Do my kids know it's called a 'penis'?  No, they do not.  Around here we call it a doodle. In the Simpson's movie, Bart doesn't want to take the dare that Homer offers up to him of riding his skateboard nude.  Bart doesn't want anyone to see his doodle.  And the name stuck for us!

BTW I think I may have some form of ADD, my middle kid has it and it can be/usually is genetic and my husband claims he definitely does not have it. I'm just telling you this because I tend to ramble or switch topics often.

Where was I?

Ah, yes ... Hump Day Happiness.

I need inspiration and funny shit to get me through life.  I think sometimes we get so weighed down by life's little stresses and we need to laugh, so we don't take everything so damn serious.  We need to feel good, to feel happy.

So here you go.  And you're welcome  :)

I have lots of inspirational and funny stuff posted on my pinterest boards.  follow me here!

Peace out!
Pam  :)

Saturday, November 2, 2013


It's official, I have reached 100 likes on my facebook author page and I'm having a contest with a giveaway to celebrate.

I need a name for a fictional high school. It is going to be in Las Vegas, so desert names will work best. It will be mentioned in my next book and the setting for the next two to four books. A series!

I will pick my three favorites and my kids and husband will vote for the winner.

The winner will receive a free Kindle copy of my book Mercy. Yay!

The contest begins today and ends November 8 at 5pm pacific time. I'll announce the winner on Saturday the 9th.

Go to my facebook author page to enter!  CLICK HERE TO ENTER

Peace out!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

HEA Romances With a Little Kick Review

I just received the most amazing and beautiful review of my book this morning, from a reviewer who loves romances, and she rated me 4 stilettos!  Deb from HEA Romances With a Little Kick gave me her honest review about my book and I am fucking stoked. Stoked!

I have had a shitty week, since I found out about my high cholesterol. I have been kinda depressed and not feeling like myself.  But Deb, oh Deb, she has lit the creative fire inside of me again with her opinion of my book.  And I know it's only an opinion and those can vary from person to person, but I think I really like hers. She is one smart lady, that's all I know, people.

Thank you so much HEA Romances With a Little Kick!

Check out my review here

And when you're done, check out the rest of her site for all her romance reviews.

Happy Halloween!

Peace out!
Pam <3

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

High Cholesterol? WTF?!

Yesterday I found out that I have high cholesterol.  It was just a routine run of blood tests, no big deal. I wasn't worried or concerned about anything.
 My cholesterol levels aren't super-high, but higher than they should be.
Which causes me to say, "WTF?!"
It's not because of my lifestyle, my genes are to blame.  And it's complete bullshit and pisses me off.
This is what my sister-in-law Alyssa had to say about it.  She's super-smart and is currently working on her Doctorate's in Genetics. (correct me if I'm wrong, Alyssa)
"There can be a genetic component to high cholesterol, but it's sort of complicated genetics.  Generally, it's not due to a single mutation, but an accumulation of multiple mutations in various genes that are involved with high cholesterol, so it usually comes form both sides of the family."
Now, I want to be clear that I'm not mad at my family for passing this junk on to me, it's not their fault.  Just like if any of my kids get my crappy skin, I hope they won't be like, "Thanks, mom.  You. Suck."  But, it does suck.  Big time.
I work hard at being healthy.  I exercise in some form at least three times a week .. at least, usually more. I used to jog, but my treadmill died and I don't want to fork out the dough to get a new one.  I have a subscription to Fitness Magazine, it's the only one I subscribe to.  I do the workouts in the magazine and switch every month when the new magazine with the new moves comes to my house.  I love yoga and try to add some yoga moves into my workout or in my stretching after.  I dvr Gilad's workouts on Discovery Health and do those too.  
And I eat pretty damn healthy.  I don't eat a lot of meat and I never have and when I do cook meat, it's turkey or chicken usually, plus I love egg whites. Yolks totally gross me out. I avoid artificial anything (it's not food) and processed food. And I totally jumped on the juicing bandwagon about a year ago and it's one of my favorite things to eat.(cleaning the machine is another story)
It's hard enough already to live a healthy lifestyle, because there are so many additional things I have to do in order to serve my family a meal that doesn't have artificial and packaged junk in it.  
And now, I have to work even harder cause I am not taking medicine.  That's not a route I want to go down, whether it's now or later down the line.
I'm going full vegetarian (good bye butter, I'll always love you) and I may pay up for a new treadmill so I can push my fitness to the next level.
Because I'M in control and I will fight this b.s. I've worked too hard for some genetic ridiculousness to whoop me. 
High cholesterol, you're about to go down (literally)!

Peace out!

I would totally love to hear experiences, what works and doesn't work for you, and vegetarian recipes <3

Friday, October 25, 2013

Funny Stuff!

Why I write. Because kidnapping people and forcing them to act out your interesting make-believe worlds is technically illegal. haha

The funniest thing I came across today while pinteresting (yes I know it's called pinning, but I don't want to do what I'm told) is THIS!!!  So funny, yet so true and I want to emphasize the word 'TECHNICALLY'. I was looking for some inspirational words of wisdom to motivate my brain this morning and this is what I found.  THIS.  But, I love it.  I was meant to be touched by it.  It's hilarious and another way to validate writing versus kidnapping people and forcing them to act out my ideas. Which I hadn't really thought about before, but sounds pretty freakin interesting now.
Have a nice weekend :)
Peace out!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Happiness :)

To love...Rumi
I have thought about this idea countless times, so many times in fact that it's hard for me to collect all the thoughts that I have on it.

My first thought is that I believe it with every piece of myself.  Every piece.  I know it's true.

My second thought is ... Why is it so hard sometimes?

I actually love to love.  I think it's natural for me, 
but I have been hurt (just like everyone) and sometimes I feel like I have to protect my heart.  

But I can't openly love if I am busy guarding my heart, so it's hard for me sometimes.

My ego is trained to want to one up everyone and to show no weakness.  I don't want to be like that. And I'm not really like that, but my brain reverts to it when for instance someone throws me under the bus, so to speak.

How do I love when I'm not loved back?
This is how.

When someone hurts me I think ... I wish you happiness, peace, and love and I wish it with all my heart.  Maybe I don't say it to their face because it's too painful for me, but I think it and I hope it for them with every ounce of myself.

I am the happiest when I get lost in something, when I'm being true to my self.  I usually get lost in writing and I love when it happens.  I'll just be brainstorming away and then BAM! a half hour or an hour has just whipped past me.  And it makes me laugh with joy (I look like a crazy person waiting in my kids' school parking lot laughing to myself, but I don't care) because I used to not get lost in anything, always worrying about this and about that and writing makes me free.  And I've never been happier.  Because I love it.

I don't care if anyone else loves it, I mean it's nice to hear but I'm writing for myself because it's something I feel I need to do.  And I've never wanted to put so much of myself into anything besides my husband and kids.

Although, I don't put myself in him ... it's more vice versa. Also, I have a really dirty mind, but it makes me laugh which in turn, is another thing that makes me happy.

I think that the point I'm trying to get across (through all the rambling) is that to be happy, truly happy you have to love.    Love everyone and if you can't do it to their face, wish them love.  Baby steps, Bob.  Love your mistakes and your faults and own them, they're yours and once you love them no one can use them against you.  You're at peace with them.  Plus, they got you to where you are today, right now, reading my weird blog ;)

I am going to go and have love thoughts and ramble to myself.

I wish you love and happiness <3

Peace out!


Wednesday, October 9, 2013


click here to buy @

My MIL gave this book to me when I had thought I was finished with my book; when in actuality it was another month or so of adding/deleting/editing.

The War of Art is a wake-up call for those of us with a calling to an artistic pursuit or other life-altering change, who are having a hard time doing what we love and not getting distracted and discouraged on our way to completion.

I have recently started to carry this book around with me like it's my Bible and I'm a good little Christian girl, pat on the head. (Not true!  In case someone actually thought I was or am.)

I wait A LOT.  I wait for my kids' school to open in the morning.  I wait in the parking lot for them to get out of school.  I wait in waiting rooms. (NO WAY!) So, I bring my notebook, pen, and my artistic Bible.

And I write. If I am drawing a book blank, I read some of my book and every time I feel better about my brain turning off and inspired to write ... something, anything as long as I'm doing my work.

This book is exactly the inspiration and know-how I needed to go pro and kick Resistance's ass.  If you read the book, you know exactly what I mean.

I am anti-spoiler, so I won't go into detail about the book, but ... it's amazing and every time I reread a passage or two I realize that I can apply a tidbit of advice from it in a way I didn't see before.

I'm going to end on a quote from the book.

"If you find yourself asking yourself (and your friends) "Am I really a writer?  Am I really an artist?" chances are you are.  The counterfeit innovator is wildly self-confident.  The real one is scared to death."

Now, go buy it.

Peace out!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

I'm on trying to get book bloggers to review my book, so it can get more exposure.  Hopefully they don't make me cry  :(

Monday, September 30, 2013

First of all ... thank you so much for liking my Author Page. I really appreciate it ♥ 
If you read my book MERCY and you enjoyed it, please please please do me a prop and leave me a review on A lot of people like to read reviews before they purchase a book and it would help me A LOT to have some reviews up there. Thanks guys :)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

buy my book now

I know it sounds crazy, but I self-published a book through Amazon. I'm serious. No really, I did. You can only purchase it through, so go and buy my book. Or if you're enrolled in Amazon prime and have a Kindle, you can borrow this bad boy for free. And then buy it  :)

It's a love story, but it's also humorous (at least I think it is) and it's basically like I just had a baby, a book-baby and it took me a year to write this sucker cause I take classes off and on and my kids are pretty young.

I wrote when the kids were asleep and the hubs and I weren't watching our shows.  Sometimes I even wrote during True Blood. It's like unlawful, I know. So, here it be.

Thank you to everyone who helped me, beta read for me, and just encouraged the butt out of me.  I needed it and I am eternally grateful.  You know who you are.  Love you all!!