

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Mercy is FREE again!

Mercy is FREE again, but this time for 3 days, from December 17 through December 19.  I have three free promo days left in my three month period with Amazon KDP and I will not let them escape me!  If you are looking for a light, funny, and sexy read, pick up Mercy for free while you can!
Peace out!
Pam <3

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

My writer is broken

I think I have holiday brain or something, because all the way up to mid-November I was sticking to my writing routine fairly well and now I kinda fell off the wagon ... and into quicksand.
I feel like there are so many things to remember, sending gifts, buying gifts, planning Christmas dinner, planning and cleaning (ugh) for holiday guests (yay!) so they assume I am not a slob, ordering cards to send, getting stamps (forgot those today) to send said holiday cards, and getting all the cold weather gear we need.  Plus a gajillion other things I can't remember. 
Vegas has been unseasonably cold this week and I have been trying to collect gloves, hats, and ski bands whenever I see them, because things disappear when you have kids, or at least they do in my house.
I WAS writing for two-ish hours, three or four times a week from 9:30 to about 11:00am and it was going really well, but not so much anymore.  I am still writing in my notebooks when I think of something and have to get it on paper, but I have yet to transfer it to the computer.  I feel like a complete slacker, well almost.  Not enough of a slacker to go two weeks without a blog post though, apparently :)
I just want my writer fixed!
I hope everyone doesn't feel as nuts as I do and has a great holiday!

Peace out!
Pam <3

Sunday, December 1, 2013

My FREE book experience

#1 Crazy
#2 Exciting
#3 Insane

That's how I will describe the two days that my book Mercy was FREE. Crazy, Exciting, and Insane.  I obsessively watched my ratings and the number of free books "sold". Compulsively.  I think I may have earned a couple of wrinkles during that 48 hours.
It was crazy how many people "bought" my book. Just nuts. I can't believe how many people have my book in their hands. I can't wrap my head around the number.
It was so excessively exciting to watch my ratings tick down in the Kindle store for free books and free contemporary romance books.      I hit #7. Number 7.
I was insane before for even putting my immature and weird writing out there into the universe, but now I feel a little more insane ... with joy and gratefulness for everything in my life.
Thanks for everything, for the love and support peeps!

Peace out!
Pam <3

Oh yeah ... FYI I'm having another FREE promo 12/17-12/19.  I'm going for 3 days next time :) My crazy shall not be reigned!