

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Kindle Countdown Deal!

I am doing my first Kindle Countdown Deal Promotion with my book Mercy.  Today is is only 99 cents and it will stay at that price through January 30th.  Get it now while it's under a buck!

Peace out!
Pam <3

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Resolutions and Goals for 2014

Las Vegas Fireworks by William G. Hartshorn
#1 Publish Light and the unnamed Prequel 
Yes, I'm backwards.  I should just write the first book before Light, but it feels wrong to me and I am a go-with-my-feelings kind of girl. Plus, I do what I want.
#2 Keep up with my vegetarianism and work out every other day
I'm doing pretty well at not eating meat, I had a bit of turkey on Christmas and ate more dairy than my brain wanted to ... but I feel good about my transition and I think my body likes not eating meat. I want to say that even my skin looks nicer, but I won't so I don't jinx it. ;)
#3 Be in the NOW
Being in the now feels sooooo damn beautiful. Whenever I catch myself thinking/worrying about something I ask myself,  "What are you doing right now?" And I say things like, "Driving, cooking, peeing, folding laundry." And then I just focus on what I am doing in that moment and I get back to it, to that free feeling of loving life.
#4 Be a more patient mom and wife
Patience is not a virtue that I was blessed with and I have to work really hard at it.  This year I'm going to kick my no-patience brain's ass.

What are your resolutions and/or goals?

Peace out!
Pam <3