

Monday, August 25, 2014

I'm working on it.

I don't really want anyone to F#%* off, but man I'm having a rough time motivating myself. 
My kids are all in Elementary school and I had been feeling as though I was being selfish by focusing on writing a book instead of giving them the full attention they need and deserve. So, I slacked on writing and pumped up the kid face-to-face time.
But guess what?
Those kids are all in school full-day now and I am basically free to write to my little heart's content. I say basically because I should still do the laundry and keep my house cleanish. I'm not the tidiest person on the planet, but no one's complained. Lately.
So, yes. I'm working on it. But please, don't F#%* off. It's just a funny ecard. 

Peace out!
Pam <3

Friday, April 18, 2014


Please take the time to read this beautiful story my dear friend wrote.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Mercy just received 4 stars from Book Reads and Reviews!! 
Peace out!
Pam <3

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Please Vote!

My Brother-in-law and his fiance are in the Naifeh Fine Jewelry 8th Annual Perfect Proposal Contest.  His proposal was super-sweet and when I heard the story, I punched my husband in the arm and called him a jerk. 
So, check it out and vote for Keith Dingee and Courtney Quinn
Keith Dingee and Courtney Quinn

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Design You Trust - Design Blog and Community Sun heart

When I was growing up, my dad was a pilot in the Air Force. We moved around pretty often; not as often as some though.  Most of our tours were for three years, but we also had two that were five years each. We lived in California, Texas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Japan, and Hawaii.  
Most of my family are from Nevada and Colorado. In between tours and during vacations, we would visit these places to see our family; grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.  I didn't get to see them very often and definitely not as often as the family members who lived in the same town were able to see each other. But, when I did see them, it was great and I've been recently reminded of all the fun we had. Even in those small periods of time together, I think bonds were formed.  Ones that are derived from our common genetics and the funny things we have in common, things that unite us. Even things we may not agree with, but we love and accept anyway.  Bonds that even as we have moved on and into our adult lives to care for our own families and forge our own futures, cannot be broken. 
An unexpected tragedy occurred in our family and it pulled us all together again.  It feels horrible that that's what it took for us to realize that we have to latch on to each other, but I think he would be very happy that we have found each other again. I hope to do everything I can to not drift away and get so wrapped up in what happens only in my house. 
It makes me believe in a saying that as an independent, pain in the ass, self-sufficient, stubborn, I could go on and on ... but me anyway. I never thought the saying "It takes a village to raise a child" would ever ring true to me personally, but I think it does. I don't mean that I want to be like, "Peace, homies. Watch my kids so I can go eat some ice cream. Alone." I just think that having a wide range of personalities and ideals makes for happier and more open-minded people. 
Love my peeps <3

Peace out!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Kindle Countdown Deal!

I am doing my first Kindle Countdown Deal Promotion with my book Mercy.  Today is is only 99 cents and it will stay at that price through January 30th.  Get it now while it's under a buck!

Peace out!
Pam <3

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Resolutions and Goals for 2014

Las Vegas Fireworks by William G. Hartshorn
#1 Publish Light and the unnamed Prequel 
Yes, I'm backwards.  I should just write the first book before Light, but it feels wrong to me and I am a go-with-my-feelings kind of girl. Plus, I do what I want.
#2 Keep up with my vegetarianism and work out every other day
I'm doing pretty well at not eating meat, I had a bit of turkey on Christmas and ate more dairy than my brain wanted to ... but I feel good about my transition and I think my body likes not eating meat. I want to say that even my skin looks nicer, but I won't so I don't jinx it. ;)
#3 Be in the NOW
Being in the now feels sooooo damn beautiful. Whenever I catch myself thinking/worrying about something I ask myself,  "What are you doing right now?" And I say things like, "Driving, cooking, peeing, folding laundry." And then I just focus on what I am doing in that moment and I get back to it, to that free feeling of loving life.
#4 Be a more patient mom and wife
Patience is not a virtue that I was blessed with and I have to work really hard at it.  This year I'm going to kick my no-patience brain's ass.

What are your resolutions and/or goals?

Peace out!
Pam <3