

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

High Cholesterol? WTF?!

Yesterday I found out that I have high cholesterol.  It was just a routine run of blood tests, no big deal. I wasn't worried or concerned about anything.
 My cholesterol levels aren't super-high, but higher than they should be.
Which causes me to say, "WTF?!"
It's not because of my lifestyle, my genes are to blame.  And it's complete bullshit and pisses me off.
This is what my sister-in-law Alyssa had to say about it.  She's super-smart and is currently working on her Doctorate's in Genetics. (correct me if I'm wrong, Alyssa)
"There can be a genetic component to high cholesterol, but it's sort of complicated genetics.  Generally, it's not due to a single mutation, but an accumulation of multiple mutations in various genes that are involved with high cholesterol, so it usually comes form both sides of the family."
Now, I want to be clear that I'm not mad at my family for passing this junk on to me, it's not their fault.  Just like if any of my kids get my crappy skin, I hope they won't be like, "Thanks, mom.  You. Suck."  But, it does suck.  Big time.
I work hard at being healthy.  I exercise in some form at least three times a week .. at least, usually more. I used to jog, but my treadmill died and I don't want to fork out the dough to get a new one.  I have a subscription to Fitness Magazine, it's the only one I subscribe to.  I do the workouts in the magazine and switch every month when the new magazine with the new moves comes to my house.  I love yoga and try to add some yoga moves into my workout or in my stretching after.  I dvr Gilad's workouts on Discovery Health and do those too.  
And I eat pretty damn healthy.  I don't eat a lot of meat and I never have and when I do cook meat, it's turkey or chicken usually, plus I love egg whites. Yolks totally gross me out. I avoid artificial anything (it's not food) and processed food. And I totally jumped on the juicing bandwagon about a year ago and it's one of my favorite things to eat.(cleaning the machine is another story)
It's hard enough already to live a healthy lifestyle, because there are so many additional things I have to do in order to serve my family a meal that doesn't have artificial and packaged junk in it.  
And now, I have to work even harder cause I am not taking medicine.  That's not a route I want to go down, whether it's now or later down the line.
I'm going full vegetarian (good bye butter, I'll always love you) and I may pay up for a new treadmill so I can push my fitness to the next level.
Because I'M in control and I will fight this b.s. I've worked too hard for some genetic ridiculousness to whoop me. 
High cholesterol, you're about to go down (literally)!

Peace out!

I would totally love to hear experiences, what works and doesn't work for you, and vegetarian recipes <3

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