

Monday, August 25, 2014

I'm working on it.

I don't really want anyone to F#%* off, but man I'm having a rough time motivating myself. 
My kids are all in Elementary school and I had been feeling as though I was being selfish by focusing on writing a book instead of giving them the full attention they need and deserve. So, I slacked on writing and pumped up the kid face-to-face time.
But guess what?
Those kids are all in school full-day now and I am basically free to write to my little heart's content. I say basically because I should still do the laundry and keep my house cleanish. I'm not the tidiest person on the planet, but no one's complained. Lately.
So, yes. I'm working on it. But please, don't F#%* off. It's just a funny ecard. 

Peace out!
Pam <3

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that naughty F-word!
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